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8 Easy Ways You Gain And Lose Weight In College

The semester is drawing near and the biggest question I keep getting from college newcomers, either freshman or transfer, is whether or not your weight will change. I'm here to inform you, yes, happily! College is the perfect place to gain easily and lose pounds without even trying; I'm here to give you a few situations and moments that you may find yourself that will quickly help anyone pack on some extra pounds or lose a little with minimal effort.

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5 Ways You Utterly Transform In College

Everyone says when first leave for college you're going one way and coming back another. For those of you very grounded in your ways you may be thinking,"Not me, I am who I am." What people say is entirely accurate. Whether for the good or bad while in college you deal with situations alone that change you. Some of these changes are minor, and some are major, but by the time you pack up for Summer nothing will be the same. Now that you're away from home you have a chance to put your old friends